General dental Canberra

We provide dental check-ups and cleans for all ages as well as fillings, tooth extractions, and root canal with a caring and compassionate approach.

Note: HCF and Medibank members (depending on your level of cover) can get up to 2 check-up, clean and fluoride treatments per year with NO GAP payment.

Check up and clean

We recommend all our patients get a check up on their oral health (both teeth and gums) every 6 to 12 months.

During your session, we may take an x-ray if we need to correctly diagnose an issue. X-ray is the only way to see inside your teeth and gums, and ensures we can plan the best treatment and ongoing care.

All treatment options are discussed carefully with our patients to help them make the best possible decisions.

To book a check up and clean, please call us on (02) 6258 5830 or contact us.


Dental fillings replace your natural tooth structure if it’s damaged by tooth decay or another cause.

We use composite fillings (white fillings) which provide a very natural look. We also use the best possible materials to ensure your filling is safe and long-lasting.

For help with a filling, please book an appointment.

Tooth extractions

A tooth extraction may be necessary if you have a tooth that is beyond repair. We understand that patients can be a bit apprehensive about having a tooth removed, which is why we go above and beyond to provide the utmost care and compassion.

Our qualified dentist will keep you informed at every step of the process and do everything we can to provide a pain-free extraction.

To learn more about tooth extractions with Artful Dentistry, please book an appointment.

Root canal

Root canal is often used to save a badly damaged tooth. It involves cleaning and shaping the roots of your tooth and filling it with a special material called Gutta Percha. A successful root canal will protect the tooth for many years to come.

At Artful Dentistry we take patient satisfaction and oral health very seriously. Sometimes when a patient experiences severe damage to a tooth, the only way to save it is to undergo root canal treatment. Dr Mazaheri is very experienced at performing root canal treatment and takes great care to personalise the treatment for the needs of the individual patient.

Many millions of teeth are saved from extraction every year by having root canal. Most people prefer to save their tooth because:

  • it generally functions better than an artificial tooth
  • natural teeth are typically stronger and more efficient for biting and chewing
  • cleaning and maintenance of  natural teeth is much easier

However good an artificial tooth can be, it will never be more than just a substitute for a real tooth.

Losing a tooth can also cause problems with biting, chewing and oral health. For example, nearby teeth can move out of their normal position and tilt into the space left by a missing tooth. This can make chewing and biting difficult, and lead to further decay and gum disease around the tilted teeth.

Root canal treatment is successful in most cases. If you take good care of the treated tooth, it may last for many years and possibly the rest of your life.

We will not treat your tooth unless the treatment is likely to succeed. Root canal treatment may not be appropriate in some cases, and extraction may be the best (or only) option.

You may need to see us several times to complete the treatment. A temporary filling will protect the inside of the tooth between visits. Pain or discomfort, if any, usually lasts no more than a few days. Some people may want to take a mild pain reliever such as ibuprofen, aspirin or paracetamol. Your dentist may take several x-rays to check the shape and length of the root canals and the success of the treatment.

To protect the inside of the tooth and prevent further infection, the root canals are filled and the pup chamber is sealed. A post may be inserted inside the tooth if it lacks enough structure to support an artificial crown. As the jaw bone surrounding the treated tooth takes some time to heal completely, follow-up visits may be needed to see whether healing has been satisfactory. This is usually checked by examining the tooth and gums and by taking an x-ray.

To help the healing process, you should continue to practice good hygiene including brushing, flossing and regular check-ups.

To schedule a consultation for a root canal treatment, call us on (02) 6258 5830 or contact us.